Monday, January 31, 2011

My Day & More Tests!

   Well, today I had a horrible pain day. All my joints were extra loose and kept going to dislocate on me, and I was so sore I could hardly get around. I spent most of the day lying in bed! I didn't get to leave the house. Tomorrow, I have to go and have a full body three phase bone scan done. I am a bit nervous about it! I have had this type of scan done before on my knees and feet, but never on my whole body before. I am so stiff and sore, I am worried about having to lie still for half an hour to have the scans done. I was hoping that we might be able to go out for lunch in between my scans, but everyone is on diets, so mum said no :(. I feel sad about that, but we can have lunch at the shopping centre, though. I have to have a heap of blood tests this week too, but I don't think I will have the energy to do both on the same day, so they will have to wait. 
   I am being tested for pretty much anything and everything that could possibly be causing my joints to swell and hurt the way they do. In a way, I really want them to find something that they can fix, but at the same time, I am scared that they will find something bad, or something that they can't fix, or nothing at all (which will make me feel crazy!) 
   Anyway, I'm sure it will be ok. 

~Adrielle =)