Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Doctor's Visit, and My Day

Well, today was a stressful, tiring and long day for me! I had to go to the doctor in the morning, and I was nervous about going. The purpose of the visit was to get the results of all the blood tests that I had a week and a bit ago. It turns out that some of them showed abnormalities. My cholesterol still isn't good (although the good cholesterol to bad cholesterol ratio has gotten a lot better!). I had a slightly abnormal liver test (but all the other liver results were good), and tests showing inflammation or infection somewhere in my body came back higher than last time too (the result has been steadily rising since 2007, which to me is worrying. My doctor says she can't find where the inflammation or infection is, and if she didn't know better she would think I had arthritis or something... I want to know!). Anyway, another test that came back bad was my iron count. It has always been lowish, but it was worse than usual - so now I have to have needles in the bum every week. Yeah, my life rocks :p. Apparently, the needles cause permanent staining, as well... Nice. I hope I get a bit more energy from them though. Just having ME/CFS has to be better than having ME/CFS + anaemia!

I'm being referred to a specialist in Melbourne about my ME/CFS. I don't really know if/how they will help, but at least I feel like I am trying to find a solution to this illness! Lol. I hope they might be able to find out what is causing the inflammation/infection blood test results too :) and I hope they are nice. I hate telling all my history to new ppl :s. Melbourne is a pretty long way away from where I live, which is good in one way because going to see a specialist there means staying there for a few days. I am hoping to go to the aquarium while we are there! :D And I'd love to meet my cousin's baby! Truthfully, though, I generally spend my time away sleeping and suffering horrible symptoms because actually traveling takes so much out of me!

Anyway, after the doctor, we went shopping. I was way tired and sore, but it was so good to be out of the house. I got some new beads and a beading loom. I was annoyed that the craft shop didn't have the colour of cross stitch thread I needed to finish my sewing :(. I will have to try somewhere else. I also bought another visual diary/blank sketchbooky jounally thing. I have filled so many of them! Lol - I just like decorating and writing and drawing and pasting things in... This one has a pretty pink cover :D.

In other news, I lost one of my silver sharks yesterday :(. My Artemis axolotl is also still sick. She is refusing to eat anything, and it has been almost a week and a half. She is so skinny and weak. I love her so much, and it is breaking my heart to see her like this! We got some chicken livers today. I had hoped it might tempt her, but she just looked at it, and walked away (pushing past it). There are some live black worm larvae on the floor of her tank, just in case she feels hungry when I'm not around. I don't know whether she has eaten any of them or not, but at least I feel like if she gets hungry, she has something to eat (and being alive, they stay fresh). Almond very much enjoyed the liver, lol!

Well, Safari isn't letting me scroll up or down to proof-read any of what I am writing, so I hope this post isn't too incoherent! Lol!

~Adrielle =D